Monday, August 2, 2010

How Did the Name "Hooker" Get Associated with Prostitutes?

If you are a woman and your last name is Hooker, you might feel like you have a "pretty bad name."

One of the stories about the name "hooker" being associated with being a prostitute is taken from the name of Major General Joseph Hooker (1814-79), a Union commander during the Civil War. According to the story, Hooker's troops were poorly disciplined and famous for fraternizing with the "working girls" of the day, in some accounts a practice tolerated by Hooker who was said to allow prostitutes to set up shop in the troopers' barracks. 

However, even preceding "Hooker's" working girls was the slang term "to hook," which  meant "to entice or swindle." An 1850 magazine illustration titled "Hooking A Victim" shows ladies of the night in hoop skirts plying their trade at Broadway and Canal Streets in New York City.

Information about Major General Hooker at

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